Rethink Breast Cancer
Smiling Rocks Partners with Rethink Breast Cancer
Rethink Breast Cancer is for the young women’s breast cancer movement. Rethink Breast Cancer’s mission is to empower young people worldwide who are concerned about and affected by breast cancer through innovative education, support and advocacy.
Rethink is the first ever Canadian charity to bring bold, relevant awareness to the 40s and under crowd; foster a new generation of young and influential breast cancer supporters; infuse sass and style into the cause; and, most importantly, respond to the unique needs of young women going through it. By taking a breakthrough approach to all aspects of breast cancer – education, resources, advocacy, community engagement, and fundraising – Rethink is thinking differently about breast cancer.
For many young women who are busy building their careers and families, breast health may not exactly be top of mind. Rethink strives to dispel the myth that breast cancer is strictly an “old lady disease,” while taking some of the fear out of the conversation to bring breast health awareness to the forefront. Those who have been diagnosed with breast cancer may experience isolation as well as challenges with dating, sexuality, fertility, childcare, finances, employment and more. Treatment and care issues include delays in diagnosis, generally more advanced cancers at diagnosis and higher mortality rates, low participation in clinical trials, lack of age-appropriate care, concerns around social support during cancer treatment, as well as late effects of treatment, second cancers and long-term psychosocial issues. Rethink offers age-appropriate support and resources for young women with breast cancer to make their journey a little bit easier.
Every day Rethink seek creative new ways to support young women with breast cancer, while boldly engaging young people with the cause. Their education, resources, and advocacy initiatives are as cutting-edge as the minds behind them and as unique as the people they reach with them. No project or campaign is too big, small or unorthodox for their team to take on as long as it fills a gap for young people concerned about or affected by breast cancer.